Goodbye 2015, A Year of Lessons

So this is the part where I say how is this year over already?! Where did all the time go?

This is also the part where, like many people, I decide on things I wanna change, things I wanna do. But as always, I never stick to my resolutions. It’s just a fact of life. But that’s ok. 

Instead of writing a post about resolutions, I want to share some lessons I learned in 2015. Some funny, some painfully true…but all needed at one point or another. 

It starts!

1. If you hate your job, don’t be afraid to leave. You know when people say “everyone works a job they hate, you just do it because you have to”. Like it’s become this thing where making ends meet is more important than being happy, and being sane. No. No it’s not. I can tell you from experience, staying at that job you hate, working with a boss you hate even more is incredibly detrimental. Every facet of your life suffers. That negativity leaks into every corner of your life. It leaks into your home life, your relationships, your friendships. It changes you. All of a sudden, you’re always tired. You’re never in a good mood. I can’t tell you the 360 change I’ve made by finding a job I love. Being comfortable and happy in my workspace has made all the difference. I know this can be difficult for some, as finding a job is incredibly hard. I know because I was jobless for awhile. But trust me. Taking the extra time to make sure you are in an environment that makes you happy,changes everything. 

2. Cleaning your space and reorganizing your furniture is the ultimate way to un-fuck your mind. I can’t tell you how much better I sleep after some serious deep cleaning. Even changing the direction my bed faces has made a difference. Throwing away things I no longer need, things that remind you of a hurtful past…all those things can subconsciously take up important real estate in your mind. A functioning space, makes for a better functioning you. And yea, I’m still quite the messy person I’ve always was, but there is order now, there’s a flow. I’m 100% serious when I say that I walk into my room (even with my laundry all over the floor) and I can take a sigh of relief. Try it. 

3. Find something that relaxes you, and do it often. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised. Sometimes it’s hard to find time to unwind and relax. So when I discovered that the real reason I love to do laundry isn’t necessarily because I enjoy having a clean wardrobe, but because I completely zone out while doing it…I started using laundry day as my day to completely zen out. As odd as it seems, I do laundry and all of a sudden, my mind goes quiet…a very rare occurrence. But it just goes to show, you don’t need a lavish vacation to relax. Even the smallest, most mundane things can serve as a relaxation tool. I always look forward to my lazy laundry Sunday’s. 

4. It’s ok to be alone. In my circle, I am the serial monogamist. The girl that jumps from one LTR to the next. With no alone time in between. I’ve recently realized that I’ve always enjoyed my solitude. I’m the type of person who loves to go the movies by herself. Where some people find it odd, I love doing things by myself. So I should be able to enjoy a relationship with myself for awhile. And I have. I’m enjoying it greatly. There’s a certain sense of freedom that comes with enjoying your own company, and not constantly needing someone by your side. The same way I enjoy doing things by myself, I’m applying that to my single life. It’s no different. It’s ok. 

5. Take your dog to a groomer. Don’t do it yourself. Just ask my yorkie, who has suffered many a terrible groom job by yours truly. 

6. Put sriracha on everything. Enough said. 

7. Filling in your eyebrows is a life changing experience. All those years of never knowing what my makeup looks were missing were finally answered the day my best friend taught me how to properly fill in my eyebrows. 

8. Change your hair style, often. It’s the most liberating thing. Ever.

9. Gaining weight isn’t the most terrible thing. Sure, I could spare to shed the extra pounds in 2016…but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying my newly found curves. 

10. If something no longer feeds your soul, or no longer has a positive impact…get rid of it and don’t feel bad about it. This is true for habits, people and things. Don’t be afraid to say no to something. Don’t be afraid to get rid of toxic people and things. You can only say yes for so long before that “yes” turns into a destructive “no” you give yourself in return. 

11. Forgive. Whether you got an apology or not. Forgiveness isn’t for the other person, it’s for you. Forgive those who have wronged you, whether they ask for forgiveness or not. The peace of mind is for you, not them. There’s no sense in holding onto painful memories and grudges. Let go. Move on. You deserve it.

12. Writing soothes your soul. I’ve always kept a personal journal, since I can remember. But for some reason, I only wrote in them when I was sad (cue high school emo playlist). I’ve learned to write simply for the sake of writing. When I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m tired, all the time. My prime writing time is right before bed, with a warm cup of tea. 

That’s all for now, thanks for reading friends!