Review: Maybelline Instand Age Rewind Eraser



Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day so far! Today I have a review for you :3 Im constantly changing my beauty products around, and when it comes to makeup, i’m not super loyal to any one product. I do have my holy grail staples…but I still stray to try out different things. That being said, I tend to NOT stray from my concealer. I have absolutely the worst dark under eye circles because I don’t sleep much (you know, the internet and stuff), so when I started using Benefit’s Boi-ing concealer a few years ago, I decided to never try anything else. That concealer has been the one thing I NEVER go without. BUT as many of you may know, Maybelline’s Instant Age Rewind Eraser has sort of taken the blogging and youtube world by storm. I mean, I couldn’t read a blog or watch a beauty guru without someone, some where mentioning this stuff. Right off the bat, my curiosity was peaked…but it took me a long time to break away long enough from my beloved Boi-ing to try this one out. Finally, one sad day after hitting pan on my millionth tub of Boi-ing, I thought to myself, “I love you Benefit, really I do, but its time to try something different” *cue melodramatic music*

So I took the plunge and I picked up a little tube of this stuff that everyone seems so obsessed with. Let me tell you, the hype is real with this one. Totally.

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Ive been using this consistently since I bought it. Truth be told, I understand the obsession. I love this stuff! Its easy to use, mess free, and it does a great job of evening out my skin tone. I use it mostly to highlight my under eye area, and its worked wonders to brighten up my face. Its not super full coverage, how I prefer…but it does a good job of hiding those awful dark circles. It blends smoothly and easily, and I absolutely love not having to dip my fingers into anything. I just highlight my cheekbones and under eye area (the Kim K method) using that nifty little sponge it comes with. Then, just blend it out with my fingers. Its a breeze. Theres very little product waste (to me) and all I need is a click or two to get all the product I need to cover up my problem areas. I find its easy to build up, if I feel like I need more coverage…but it does lend itself to feel sort of sticky if I use to much. A light touch is really all thats needed with this little guy. Granted, its not my new holy grail, but I do really love it. Its been a great addition to my makeup collection especially now with this ridiculous Florida sun. Ive gotten away with just using this and some powder for a quick day time look. In the awfully blurry swatch ( I apologize for the crappy quality, I wasn’t wearing my glasses when I took these, LOL) it looks REALLY light, but in person, it blends out incredibly nicely on my face while giving me a nice, bright look. I have the shade Fair, but i will definitely need a shade or two darker now that im starting to get more sun. You know, summer vacay = tons of beach time.

The packaging is pretty self explanatory. You twist the red top to saturate the sponge and more twists equals more product. My only gripe is with the cap. Its always falling off and its made a mess a few times in my makeup bag. I don’t find the packaging super sturdy or anything, but thats what you get with drug store products. Its not a deal breaker for me in any way, just something I thought I should mention.

All in all I get why so many people love this. Its great for the price and it really gets the job done. Its a winner in my book for sure! 🙂

Anyway, thanks for reading and be sure to comment, like and follow if you want to read more of my reviews. I have some fashion posts lined up as well! Stay tuned for a summer look book, Tiny T style.

Much love,
Tiny T

5 thoughts on “Review: Maybelline Instand Age Rewind Eraser

    • Thank you for reading Cecilia, and welcome to the blogger world! This is my first tube of it, so im not sure how long it will last. I guess Ill just have to wait until my second tube to really have a time span lol XD Im checking out your blog now 🙂

      • It is a brilliant concealer, sometimes I use it alone without foundation when I want a natural look! But the negative thing is, it does run out super quick! I think it’s because a load of the product end up inside the sponge 😦
        Aww thank you, it means a lot to me when other people with similar interests are enjoying my blog!

      • Thank you! Same here, I’ll be keeping an eye out for your next post too, keep up the good work 🙂

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